Monday, 14 September 2009

Picture Perfect

I finally could take up photography seriously as a hobby. 2 hours at Lalbagh on a breezy Sunday morning with my shiny new Canon SX10 and the results were pretty impressive. You can check them out here.

As it turned out, the pictures inspired the poet in my friend. And he's what she came up with. Thanks Jyo!


Papa Poule said...

I'm not sure my first comment will appear ; so I write it again :

Hi ! Vinayak ! How lucky you are to count such a poet as your friend !

Writing the comment for the first time, it turns out that my ID which was proposed was "Papa Poule". Your poet seems to be the cause of it !

VK said...

Thank you.

[As for the ID, I'm guessing you're using a public computer and Papa Poule did not log out before you]